Wednesday, 25 November 2015

ION RAKER now on Sound Board

Gentlemen! with much fan fare here is the NEXT sound effect:

"Ion Raker"

Seen here on this GamesWorkshop model:
Click the image to buy the model if you are interested! Let's continue to show our support for GamesWorkshop products.

The Ion Raker sound effect was requested by:

  Of Advanced Tau Tactica:
"Christmas has come early. It's got a really mean sound effect to it I love it. Can't wait till I can hear an overcharged version. If there's any sort of fix up's you want to do to it feel free, but overall I think we got our sound. Thanks for the awesome sound effect."
Here is the work done on the Ion Raker:

Needed to purchase these sound files from Pond

This is the Base sound where you can see 45358529 was applied:

This is the base driver sound, that initiates underneath the IonShots:

This is the combination of the two multi-tracks with the other sound file added 45321147

The final output of the sound file was then "Maximized for loudness" to ensure that the sound clarity and volume remained constant. This is especially important on small mobile device speakers, where I have to ensure the sound it clear at all times.

Hope you all enjoy the new sound file on the Tau Empire Sound Board!

Sunday, 22 November 2015

5 New sound effects! 4 New Pulse Rifles and 1 New Broadside Railgun

New Pulse Rifle sound effects for use in a WarHammer 40k game.

After some more play testing it became pretty obvious we need combinations of different infantry firing sound effect files. The 1 time fire all the way to 24 times fire, for a whole squad at rapid fire range. This multi-shot infantry weapon selection, will become a standard feature on this and future army sound boards.

This is the work done today:

Friday, 20 November 2015

Tau Battle Music Coming ONLINE!

After a long and strenuous search by members of Tau Tactica a final proof of tremendous sound scores have been assembled for the use in WarHammer 40k Tau Army Battles.

Here is the Tau Music Score Battle Sound Track Thread

A very special thanks to the following members for their ongoing music research and Tau inspiring guidance! For example, it was discussed and decided to drop the "Setup period" before the battle music starts. This new soundtrack is 1hr 18min of pure heart pumping Tau excellence. Thanks to:


These folks did such an outstanding job bringing in sets of music types for all of us to try out, it's been a genuine pleasure to work with fellow Tau commanders, dreaming up what the ultimate Tau sound track would sound like. Gentlemen, I think we accomplished it! The music is good enough to get anyone seriously pumped to play or paint Tau.

The file now available for blissful enjoyment fellow Tau commanders!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Website Re-Write! Fresh Clean Slate


Tau Sound Board has been completely rewritten for improved download speeds.

Major update guys....  I just RE-WROTE the whole website. I've tried very hard to make the website load faster....  using asyncronose loading of the JSON scripts and using 24hour browser caching. (This stuff is new to me - I'm not a programmer). Trying my best... I think I have the Sound files set to a 24 hour cache. So once loaded, you should have 24 hours before the HTML asks for the files again.

Here is what the latest looks like:

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Honorable Bruce Campbell as Tau Shas'ui Fire Warrior.

Honorable Bruce Campbell as Tau Shas'ui Fire Warrior.

The man... the legend, the honourable Tau Fire Warrior!

Here is a Sound Board GIFT of the Legendary Fire Warrior:

Sunday, 8 November 2015

1000pts Battle Music With EASTER EGG

New sound effects inside the Tau Battle Music now available on the website: The music project is ongoing and based in:

The youtube video can be found here:

This is the actual sound file for the creation of the trigger song, that is used to identify when to start play the game. It is 8min 30 seconds into the YouTube video and has custom content added to the song, to make it unmistakable, as to when to start playing. Actually, makes irresistible to start playing WarHammer40k.

I hope to do more of this in the future, to assist game play, by marking out the 15min / 30min / 45min time stamps, to ensure the players can maintain efficient timing.

The first 8min of the Video is meant to correspond to the introduction, setup and deployment period, before the first turn. Which I am assuming is 8minutes and 30 seconds. We will have to play test this, to see how close the timing is to the actual naturally occurring time periods.

Friday, 6 November 2015

New XV88 Broadside Battle Suit Rail Gun Sound File

New XV88 Broadside Battle Suit Rail Gun Sound File

The existing railgun for the broadside was very clean and superb... but lately I felt it lost it's charm. I realize I need to redo the sound effect to do the XV88 broadside justice. After all the Tau broadside is the single model on the shelves a decade ago that brought me into the store and caused my first purchase. Since then nothing's changed... I LOVE the ForgeWorld broadside and the superb weaponry it wields. To this day I make sound effects with my mouth, when ever I'm firing those rail guns on the game table.

Well.... now.... no one has to. We got sounds. The new sound for the broadside captures the essence of the very thing that brought me to WarHammer...  A Tau broadside saying: "YOU... BeHIND the TANK..  (distant screams)... EAT SOME GREATER... FzzzchKaCHOOOOM!!!!"

A play on the phrase "For the greater good" = "Eat some greater good" - where the good is replaced by a railgun firing. Here is the work I did on the railgun sound effect. As you can see.... this was a VERY serious sound file and I didn't stop until it was just right.

Hope you all enjoy!

Building Custom Sound Effects

Once you have identified what software package you want to us. Next comes sound hunting. Finding the right blend of sound files is crucial and time consuming when constructing a custom sound effect. Have you already selected a good sound editing software package? if not please check my other post: Blog: Selecting good sound effect software

Once you have done this, head over to:

Pond5 is an excellent place to start if you are looking to generate royalty free sound files.
For example the missile pod sound effect consists of a pipe bursting sound effect:

Mixed with a flame thrower ignition startup:

Mixed with live action missile fire sound effect:

Combined they make a sound effect that sounds like a missile being ejected into the air, then ignite and fire. There are other additional sound files for the long echo vector and the final impact. For the sakes of this demonstration, we can see a single sound item is based on several sound parts, which are then tuned and balanced together to create a higher level sound effect.

The real trick is to hunt for the sound files across the landscape of such sound effect libraries as Which I highly recommend for ease of use and sound file acquisition. In fact, let me plug this website here - seriously - the AMOUNT of time wasted finding a particular sound file is enormously REDUCED at POND5. Where as even in my own library it can be hard to find a sound file, or even attempt to find one, and then after a few hours.... realize I DON'T have it!!

So I use Pond5 for the reason that when I find a sound file I sorta like, EVERY other sound file closely resembling that sound file. Its very effective and I can't say enough good things about that experience.

So now that I have a fully completed single missile fire (Higher level sound effect). I can then stitch them together to make the second level sound file "Mass Missile Fire" sound effect:

Once that mass firing sequence is complete, I save it out as the second level sound. From here I move onto the 3rd level sound which incorporate several of these sound files in combination with others:

Here you can see that the sound effect is repeated twice in a much larger sound event. In this case what you are looking at is the KV128 Storm Surge sound event, which includes another distinct sound effect called "Enable Stabilizers". The total sound piece when complete is the sound event used on the sound board of the KV128 Storm Surge engaging its stabilizers and firing its barrage of missiles TWICE with fantastic effect.

Just for kicks, here is another example of the Pulse D Arc Cannon sound file at the level 2 sound editing:

The Pulse Arc Cannon was a seriously challenging (And expensive) project effort to produce. I used previous work on the seeker missile explosion, and extracted just the SUB-Woofer component of the blast sound effect and applied as an under tray sound, beneath the firing sequence of the Pulse Arc Cannon. This was the 3rd revision of this total sound file and I found that... although the sound file played well on a mobile device, it lacked the "Umph" on a large sound system with sub woofers available. So... I can't have a sound file that doesn't sound good on a proper DTS sound woofer. Version 3 was born and BOY!! does it sound GOOOOD on a full sound system.

If you have a chance to fire that sound file on a large sound system, please do and enjoy.
By all means.... if you are as stoked for this model as I am! here is the link!

I hope it brings a smile to your face, as much.... as it does mine. Everytime I hear it, I think of this Tau model, with its titanic sexy weapon, blasting off PURE TAU AWESOMENESS.

Tau Sound Board is activated for table top experience!

The website is fully functional now, and offers sound files and background Tau battle music to enhance your game play. Use well fellow Tau commanders! and ENJOY!!!
PS: Make sure to run on Wifi when playing the music. I’m worried you might blow your data usage, and incur costs. So please please be careful!

Tau Empire Sound Board now has a home screen button:

After consulting Google search, I found an article on how to do this here:

It effectively boils down to making a 150 X 150 pixel file, like the one seen above and saving it as a PNG file with a very specific name: "apple-touch-icon.png". Next save it to the root directory on your website.

Nothing too difficult. Now we have a lovely icon for the home screen! :D

Tau Sound Board Reaches Global Connections

In 2 weeks Tau Sound Board has reached a global audience. As of Nov 6th 1,355 views have accumulated revealing 622 Tau fans across the planet.

We can see the health of the Tau Empire as it's commanders prepare to rally for the Greater Good!

You can find additional information on the Tau Empire Sound Board:

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Sound Board Mission Statement and Goals

Sound Board Mission Statement:

No competition to Games Workshop or its intellectual property. All Games Workshop names, words and imagery are the property of Games Workshop. The sound file components and assembly or property to Timothy Danielson. This sound board is fan based and not an official Games Workshop service or product. We do however, freely admit to the intent of inspiring new sales towards GamesWorkshop and their products.

The sound board is meant to bring a new marketing element and experience to the board game of WarHammer 40k.

"Using mobile devices to bring value added sound effects to the game of Warhammer 40k, to the stimulate the imagination and propel game players to get out and play a game, or buy more miniatures"

From here I set out to make the most entertaining mobile sound board package possible, for the Tau Empire (First case) (test case). This choice was intended to stimulate the miniature model sales of Games Workshop . Most recently Games workshop has released the new Tau Empire codex and new models. These efforts here are meant to stimulate and assist those marketing and sales objectives of Games Workshop. 

Here is the latest Tau Codex:

I am intending for the sound board to become far reaching and enjoyed for free. At some point, it is likely the sound board will end up in the hands of Games Workshop senior leadership. With this in mind, the Tau Empire Sound Board will showcase a favourable relationship where an "independent" creator can accomplish a scope of remix material that is not otherwise as simple to utilize as a manufacturer or legal corporation. With the objective that the sound board brings favourable marketing contributions towards the marketing ecosystem of the manufacturer.  It is my hope that Games Workshop realizes additional sales from my free efforts here, using sound files I have purchased. If there are any questions about sound file content mixing, any Games Workshop property in question can be eliminated at a moments notice, at the request of the fan base or corporation of games workshop. This website was always about servicing their sales volume in exchange for bringing something new to the game of WarHammer 40k.

For example, Bruce Campbell voice overs are an innocent feature in one of the sound files. Which should it ever be an issue, can be removed in a moments notice. A corporation on the other hand, must be more weary to take time and thought, regarding such harmless risks of content remixing. The cost of anxiety is a debatable return of investment. However, to an independent it's another story, especially one catering to a fan base, a free fan orientated website.

Tau Empire Sound Board looks to bring added value to the game table. If this exercise is successful  there will be more sound boards as time progresses. It is hoped that such efforts will be recognized, and if possible marketed for the greatest possible impact for both the independent and corporation.

If Games Workshop wishes to contact me, I am always available and look forward to hearing from the creators of one of my favourite games.

Sony Sound Forge - My recommendation!

Selecting the best Sound Editing Software Package:

After seeing there was enough interest in the idea, it was then decided to pursue this sound board project. Having said that, it was really important that the project was steeped within the community it was being for.

As the project continued, Sony Sound Forge was selected as the software of choice. I'm not a fan of overpriced Adobe software, I have to admit that Sound Booth did perform pretty well. Not perfectly however - as it has pretty obvious limitations, with the lack of simple effects mirroring or reversing a sound file. This was outside of Adobe Sound Booth's competency. After looking around I found Sony Sound Forge and I do recommend that program.

This is a screenshot of Sony Sound Forge. I highly recommend this software to anyone wanting to start building their own sound files. It has features even Adobe Sound Booth hasn't mastered... including PRICE, which is something Adobe has never seemed to master.

For $19 bucks, its a lot better than the Adobe tax of $299.99! Besides, with savings like that you can afford the many sound files you are going to need to purchase for making your own sound bytes. This program is easy to use, and after the Adobe Sound Booth trial... I prefer it over Adobe Sound Booth any day

With the software selected, next was to focus efforts into finding suitable sound files on and their superb selection of sound files.

The Rebirth Of Tau Sound Board

The Rebirth Of Tau Sound Board

After a long stint of not collecting or painting war hammer 40k, I decided it was time to come back to the hobby that brought me so much joy. The sound board used to be called "".

Part of that joy was the sound board I had started years earlier in 2004 and stopped in 2008. I always said I would do something with that work, but had no idea how to make it work the way I wanted it to. Specifically I wanted all my fellow Tau colleagues to enjoy the sound files at their games.

Unfortunately I was using a Flash SWF file which is NOT compatible on mobile devices. It wasn't until just recently,  when google came out with their own "Google Web Designer" that I had the ability to link sound files for mobile devices.

I am a big fan of Google Web Designer, mostly because I learned how to use it from scratch in less time than I would have needed to brush up on Adobe Dreamweaver, which I was previously proficient in. I am very happy to leave behind yet another cumbersome and expensive Adobe software product in favour of the new software tech, and this time what a darling little piece of software it was!!!

Well that began my short and enjoyable journey into the world of sound board creation and my old sound files from years past. Starting with reuniting with the cherished community of Advanced Tau Tactica, where I started the initial blog to see how much interest there was.

If you want ever wanted to get into web design on a free and easy platform, look no further than starting with Google Web Designer.

Here is the direct link: