Thursday, 17 December 2015

OFFLINE ACCESS to the Sound Board

The website is still suffering from a lengthy download time. I am trying to find away to hide the download time, until after the imagery is first loaded, but I'm not having success.

The objective has always been to get these sound files into the hands of fellow players. So, I am thinking of adding an option, in the case that people are as frustrated as I am with the wait time.

I've decided to look at online distribution sources, like iTunes. Now the sound files are actually my own and have cost me an average of $23 dollars per sound file. There are 31 sound files. The work has also cost me 3 months of effort. I know it sounds like I'm trying to justify charging of the sound files, but the truth is iTunes will not allow free music. So the minimum for all 31 sound files is set by iTunes at $10 dollars (for the album). 99 cents per song (Sound effect).

If you there are people out there who want to have these sound files for themselves, to use at any time for the entertainment experience as they wish... well, alright I concede, here is an option to do so.

This is the proposed solution:

If we go through with this, at least the album will have a great cover, and also the sound files are abbreviated and generic enough to not cause a stir or ripple.

In case anyone bats an eye:
T.E. = Timothy's Effects

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